Thursday, 1 August 2013

(Photo)How my mother sent me on an errand& sold my baby-17year old girl

You must have heard the story about the mother who sold her 17 year old daughters baby before her daughter raised alarm and the mother was caught.Many say the mother had the right to sell her granddaughter since her daughter is just 17 years old and unable to fend for the baby.

In this report by Punch,the girl an mother tell their own sides of the story
Seventeen-year-old Blessing Godspower,  on Wednesday narrated how her mother sold her (Godspower) eight-month-old baby.

(Chilling Story/Photo)-How a Delsu undergraduate & friend were Lynched in Lagos

Policemen attached to the Badagry Police Division, Lagos State, and some hoodlums have been accused of killing a 25-year-old undergraduate of Delta State University, Ifechukwude Nwainokpor, and his friend, identified simply as Kazeem.

An eight-minute video clip of the gruesome killing, which was made available to PUNCH Metro, showed the two victims handcuffed together. They were covered in their own blood and beaten to death with sticks. Tyres were also put round   their necks.