TJ Jackson (1994-1998)
Damon Thomas (m. 2000–2004)
Julian St. Jox (2001) (during her marriage to Damon)
Ray J (2002-sex tape made 2003(during her marriage to Damon)-2007)
Nick Lachey 2006
Nick Cannon (Sept 2006-Jan 2007)(during her relationship w/Ray J)
Fonsworth Bentley (2006-Feb 2007)
Marquis Houston (March 2007)
Evan Ross (May 2007)
Reggie Bush (2006 (during her relationship w Ray J)-2009/2010)
Christiano Ronaldo (April 2010)
Shengo Deane (April 2010)They are not saying these are all the men she's ever been with, just the celebrity men she's been with. All 22 of them if you believe this list. 22 men? Wow!
Miles Austin (June 2010)
Michael Copon (October 2010)
Jon Mayer (October 2010)
Gabriel Aubrey (November 2010)
Kris Humphries (m. 2010–2013)
Kanye West (2007–present)
Also Brett Lockett, The Game, 50 cent, Scott Storch, and various others (no specific dates)
And if this list, which was released on some urban sites is to believed, then Ray J sure didn't hit it first!:-)
She's letting y'all learners know she's your #oga at the top...lol
She's not my oga at the top. I deh hail her.